new Ext.Panel({ title:'panel学习', width:300, height:200, html:"panel的内容
", renderTo:Ext.getBody() });
//配置参数(只列举部分常用参数)1.autoLoad:有效的url字符串,把那个url中的body中的数据加载显示,但是可能没有样式和js控制,只是html数据2.autoScroll:设为true则内容溢出的时候产生滚动条,默认为false3.autoShow:设为true显示设为"x-hidden"的元素,很有必要,默认为false4.bbar:底部条,显示在主体内,//代码:bbar:[{text:'底部工具栏bottomToolbar'}],5.tbar:顶部条,显示在主体内,//代码:tbar:[{text:'顶部工具栏topToolbar'}],6.buttons:按钮集合,自动添加到footer中(footer参数,显示在主体外)//代码:buttons:[{text:"按钮位于footer"}]7.buttonAlign:footer中按钮的位置,枚举值为:"left","right","center",默认为right8.collapsible:设为true,显示右上角的收缩按钮,默认为false9.draggable:true则可拖动,但需要你提供操作过程,默认为false10.html:主体的内容11.id:id值,通过id可以找到这个组件,建议一般加上这个id值12.width:宽度13.height:高度 13.title:标题14.titleCollapse:设为true,则点击标题栏的任何地方都能收缩,默认为false.15.applyTo:(id)呈现在哪个html元素里面16.contentEl:(id)呈现哪个html元素里面,把el内的内容呈现
contentEl - This config option is used to take existing content and place it in the body of a new panel. It is not going to be the actual panel itself. (It will actually copy the innerHTML of the el and use it for the body). You should add either the x-hidden or the x-hide-display CSS class to prevent a brief flicker of the content before it is rendered to the panel. applyTo - This config option allows you to use pre-defined markup to create an entire Panel. By entire, I mean you can include the header, tbar, body, footer, etc. These elements must be in the correct order/hierarchy. Any components which are not found and need to be created will be autogenerated. renderTo - This config option allows you to render a Panel as its created. This would be the same as saying myPanel.render(ELEMENT_TO_RENDER_TO);也可以参考一下这个列子:
/** * 可拖动的panel */ var panelDragable=new Ext.Panel({ title: 'Drag me', x: 100, y: 100, renderTo: Ext.getBody(), floating: true, frame: true, width: 400, height: 200, draggable: { insertProxy: false, onDrag : function(e){ var pel = this.proxy.getEl(); this.x = pel.getLeft(true); this.y = pel.getTop(true); var s = this.panel.getEl().shadow; if (s) { s.realign(this.x, this.y, pel.getWidth(), pel.getHeight()); } }, endDrag : function(e){ this.panel.setPosition(this.x, this.y); } }});
/** * 带tbar和bbar的panel */var panelBar=new Ext.Panel({ id:"panel1", x:500, y:600, title:"标题", collapsible:true, renderTo:Ext.getBody(), closable:true, width:400, height:300, tbar : [{ text : "按钮1", handler : function() { Ext.MessageBox.alert("我是按钮1", "我是通过按钮1激发出来的弹出框!") } }, { text : "按钮2" }], bbar:[{text:"按钮1"},{text:"按钮2"}], //底部工具栏 html:"内容", buttons:[{text:"按钮1"},{text:"按钮2"}] //footer部工具栏});
/** * 带工具的panel */ var panelTool=new Ext.Panel({ title:'panel学习', width:300, height:200, x:900, y:800, html:"panel的内容
", renderTo:Ext.getBody(), tools : [{ id : "save" }, { id : "help" }, { id : "up" }, { id : "close", handler : function() { Ext.MessageBox.alert("工具栏按钮", "工具栏上的关闭按钮时间被激发了") } }] });
toggle (collapsable为true时的默认值) close minimize
maximize restore gear pin
unpin right left up down refresh minus
plus help search save print
/** * viewPort */ var view=new Ext.Viewport({ enableTabScroll:true, layout:"fit", items:[ { title:'标题', html:"内容", bbar:[ {text:"按钮1"} ] } ] });
/** * tabPanel */var tabpanel=new Ext.TabPanel({ activeTab:0, //设置默认选择的选项卡 renderTo:Ext.getBody(), width:200, height:150, items:[ { title:"第一个选项", html:"第一个的内容" }, { title:"第二个选项", html:"第二个的内容" } ] });